San Rafael
About San Rafael
San Rafael, California offers its visitors so much more than the usual vacation fare of restaurants and shopping?though it does have those, too. San Rafael?s unique location and mild climate allows gives the opportunity to enjoy a variety of stunning natural views?from waterfront lagoons and bays to the gentling undulating reeds of the Las Galinas Wetlands Area. China State Park gives you the chance to enjoy lush scenery overlooking the Pablo Bay on horseback, mountain bike, or even just by walking one of the park?s many hiking trails. Steeped in history, San Rafael boasts several architectural landmarks. The Mission San Rafael Arcangel has been fully reconstructed from the original mission founded in 1949 and continues to serve its parishioners today. Visitors, however, can tour the mission and visit the gift shop if they want a small reminder of their visit. Discover and learn about local culture by visiting the Boyd House, home of the Marin Historical Society Museum. The Boyd House, a beautiful Gothic building nestled amidst a pretty garden, is a part of San Rafael?s historic fabric and has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Inside the Boyd House, you?ll find photographs and artifacts reflecting the local culture and history. And of course, there's always time for a relaxing round of golf!
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